• Films to Help You Understand Consent

    Since 2020, Relationships, Sex, and Health Education (RSHE) has been mandatory in UK schools. The guidance states that schools should be teaching young people about "the age of consent, what consent is and is not, [and]... rape, sexual assault and harassment" . Heavy stuff. But it's undeniably necessary. When it comes to keeping people safe from coercion and exploitation, having strong foundations of consent education is key.

    Schools are one place in which people will learn about sex. Not everyone will engage effectively with the materials provided to them, simply because different people learn, well, differently. Others will learn about sex from what friends and older siblings or cousins might tell them; many from social media; and many from music, TV, and films. Likelihood is, it's a mixture of everything.

  • 'Priscilla' Balances the Perspective on Elvis Presley

    You'd think, from the Google Reviews of Priscilla, that Sofia Coppola had directed a hit-piece on Elvis Presley. According to these audience reviews, Coppola has tried to "seduce her audience" with a "feminist anti-male social agenda." Apparently, Priscilla fails to mention that "Elvis was entrapped by Priscilla [sic] family they asked to be transferred to where he was stationed and arranged meeting with their daughter read child bride book then blackmailed Elvis with exposure if he did not marry their daughter since Elvis did have intimate relations with her." It has both "an excruciatingly slow pace" but also "[r]ushes through without continuity." Most importantly, "Elvis was tall at 6 foot but this much taller actor at 6'5 seems chosen for manipulative reasons..."

    Jacob Elordi: too tall to play Elvis. The bastard.

  • Saltburn: A Class Satire by the Privileged

    If you haven't already heard, there's a scene in Saltburn where Barry Keoghan sucks Jacob Elordi's cum out of a bathtub. If you were imagining it how I was, you were thinking that there's just a bit of cum floating on the water after he's done bathing and Barry takes a delicate sip from the top. Revolting, but not so bad you'd want to wash your eyes out. Oh no. It's not that simple. The water has already drained from the tub. Barry presses his lips to the plughole and slurps. Whatever semen remains, he savours it. Nose pressed against the tub, lips pursed, cheek rubbing against the porcelain - slurping. I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone quite so horny.

  • Feminist Horror to Enjoy This Christmas

    Happy Holidays! I love it when women lose their shit. As a woman who's lost her shit many times in her 24 years, I truly feel seen when a girl on screen lets her innermost rage run rampant. Since it's that time of year when we all spread some festive joy and whimsy, I thought: what could be better than recommending some feminist horror films to watch whilst these dark and cold evenings pass by?

  • Am I Bisexual Enough For You?

    Fellas, is it gay to date someone of the same gender and have sex with them and also envision a future together? I'm pretty sure it is, so why do I not feel like a real bisexual?

Rachel Gambling is a writer from Southend-on-Sea, UK. She has a BA in English Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Warwick, where she began hosting her radio show Peek Show on RAW 1251AM. She completed her BA in lockdown and adapted Peek Show into a sex and relationships education Instagram and podcast. During this time, she studied Gender and Sexuality at Birkbeck, University of London, and graduated with a PGDip in 2022. She has worked as a sex and relationships educator for a UK charity since 2021. Now, she performs at poetry open mics, writes film reviews, sex and relationships articles, and argues with her cat about her feeding schedule. She lives with her dad, the vicar, and her mum, who is a really nice lady.

rachel gambling portrait girlblog film reviews for riot grrrls

Rachel is always writing angsty poetry whenever she has a spare moment. Her work covers themes of disillusionment, agnosticism, and hope. Through a confessional and bluesy style, Rachel expresses her deepest cynicisms through arguably the most pretentious form of writing. You can find her performing at open mics in Essex and submitting her poems to magazines and competitions.

Sexual Health Charity

September 2021 - Present

Rachel works as a sexual health outreach worker for a UK charity. She works in the community with beneficiary groups that traditionally struggle to access sexual health services. She provides HIV and STI testing drop-in clinics, professionals’ training, relationships and sex education, and sexual health advice. She also works with the Media and Communications Team at times, creating written and video content for their channels. Prior to this, Rachel created content for the charity on a voluntary basis from October 2019. Links to this work are available on request.

Peek Show

April 2019 - December 2020

During her second year at the University of Warwick, Rachel created her radio show Peek Show. This was broadcast on RAW 1251AM, Warwick’s student radio station. This was broadcast for a year, occupying a prime time spot during its second season, covering a wide variety of sexual health topics and discussing these with students from a range of different courses across the university. This was later adapted into a relationships and sex education Instagram after Rachel graduated from Warwick and retired in late 2020. Peek Show is still available to listen to on Mixcloud.

The Girl’s Bathroom

June 2019 - January 2020

From June 2019, Rachel was a Script Editor and Assistant Director on The Girl’s Bathroom, a short film created by Sofia Hadley-Johnson. She was involved throughout the pre-production and production phases, eventually taking on the role as Co-Producer alongside Sofia and appearing as Drunk Girl in the film. The film received funding from Daisie as part of their Wonder Women competition and had an entirely female cast and crew. The Girl’s Bathroom is available to watch on YouTube.

The Groovy Crew

April 2018 - April 2019

In her third term of her first year at the University of Warwick, Rachel created the radio show The Groovy Crew alongside Indigo Douglas, which was later adapted into a podcast. It was made as the official radio show of Warwick Writing Society, broadcast on RAW1251AM and then became its own entity as a podcast. It was a creative writing podcast heavily underlined with comedic elements, with Rachel and Indigo inviting their friends on to goof around and talk about creativity. The Groovy Crew is still available to listen to on Mixcloud.

Creators Media, Inc.

May 2016 - November 2017

Whilst studying for her A-Levels, Rachel was scouted by a Community Manager at Moviepilot to become a Verified Creator for Moviepilot. She then wrote as a freelance entertainment writer for Creators Media, covering topics like mental health issues in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, female empowerment in musicals, and sexual liberation in Bridget Jones’ Baby. She retired from this role when Moviepilot was rebranded, and received 31,000 reads across all of her articles. These are available to read on request.

Rachel is always looking for more opportunities to write and share her work. If you’re interested in hiring Rachel as a freelance writer or collaborating with her on a creative project, contact her via email or Instagram below.